請赤足穿襪(不穿鞋)進行測量。Please measure wearing socks (barefoot without shoes).
將腳跟緊靠牆面,以直尺測量牆面到腳趾最突出位置(藍色箭頭處)之長度,即為腳長。Place your heel against the wall and use a ruler to measure the length from the wall to the most prominent position of your toes (blue arrow), which is the length of your foot.
若直尺靠牆處不為0,請記得扣除該長度。If the edge of the ruler against the wall is not 0, please remember to deduct this length.
將測得腳長與上方尺碼表進行比對,以cm為單位,選擇最接近的較大尺寸作為您訂購的鞋碼。Compare your measured foot length with the size chart above, in cm, and choose the closest larger size as the shoe size you ordered.
若對測量方式有任何問題,也歡迎與我們聯絡。If you have any questions about the measurement method, please feel free to contact us.